Real Property Management Gold

End of Year Resident Retention Tips for Lexington Park Investment Homeowners

Another year has quickly come and gone, and a new year is soon upon us. Now is the time to think back on both the achievement and improvements, which were produced during 2017 for your investment rental property. While many different businesses are in full-force preparing for your holidays, far-too-often investment homeowners become involved with their own end of year vacation plans and time off, which may result in management jobs that do not get accomplished.

However, you shouldn’t feel bad for taking your hard-earned time off as the holidays are an ideal time for homeowners to concentrate on their loved ones, family, and friends. This makes property management services all the merrier this season. This may result in tenants not only renewing their contracts at the subsequent calendar year, then you’re left looking for new tenants.

Many people set New Year’s resolutions they soon forget, but we encourage you to begin high-quality property management habits at any given time of the year and stick together to enhance your retention rate.

Check out these two tips to start the new year with very merry residents:

1.      Respond Promptly

Waiting in long lines, only to receive less-than-cheerful customer service is one of the worst parts of the holiday season. You do not want your tenant to feel this same way at the end of the year, so it is important that you work with a property management team that responds promptly and do so in a professional and positive manner. This establishes a fantastic rapport with your tenants and affects their decision on where they will live next year.

2.      “Holiday Hours”

Property management is a 24-hour job, and many repair crises happen in the middle of the night. Both you and your tenants will be glad when your house management staff continues this support through one of the busiest times of the year.

If you follow these tips this holiday season, then you’re already off to a good start in having higher retention rates for your new year. If you would like more information about our property management services, contact us online or call us at 301-392-2172 today.